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FairSights Mediation focuses on facilitating mediation of business conflicts during which parties actively work together to realise optimal and sustainable solutions for themselves.

Our View


Resolving conflicts through mediation requires courage from all parties involved. This is certainly the case when a conflict has already become so personal that people would rather avoid each other than meet to discuss it. Once they get over it, however, it is always much more advantageous than letting the conflict simmer or opting for a court case (where judges increasingly prescribe mediation first). A judge or arbitrator, who make judgments on the basis of general rules, rarely removes underlying contradictions and differences of opinion, as a result of which old conflicts can quickly flare up again or new ones arise over other subjects.​


As MfN registered mediator, the rules of conduct, agreements and models of the Netherlands Federation of Mediators (Mediatorsfederatie Nederland, MfN) apply to our mediation activities. These can be read and downloaded on our website and that of MfN.

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Robert P. Bood PhD

MfN Registered Mediator

As MfN registered mediator, I am included in the quality register of the Netherlands Federation of Mediators (MfN) and member of the Dutch Association of Mediators (NMv). In my mediation practice I focus in particular on business conflicts that arise in and between companies, family businesses, non-profit organisations, semi-governmental institutions, boards, business partnerships, and alliances. Conflicts may include differences of opinion about the strategic course of the organisation, the takeover of a company by the next generation or third parties, conflicts between members of a management team, or disagreements with customers, suppliers or other business relationships. I have experience in advising and supporting Boards of Directors and management teams as well as works/employee and participation councils. I meditate in both Dutch and English.​


In my mediation practice I use the experience I have gained in nearly 50 countries worldwide in the past 25 years to prepare companies, governments and NGOs for structural changes that are already occurring or are on the way in their market or sector. My expertise lies in thinking through future developments and designing new strategies and innovative business models. I like to share my experiences and insights on these topics with others and give lectures in executive programs at TIAS School for Business and Society at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, and at the Iclif Executive Education Center of the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. If you are interested in hiring me as a consultant, I kindly refer you to

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