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Mediation bij alle zakelijke conflicten, arbeidsconflicten en conflciten binnen teams.

Are you dealing with business conflicts that hinder future growth? Do you prefer to solve them as quickly as possible?

Resolving Conflicts Together Sustainably through Mediation

FairSights Mediation helps to address business conflicts that hinder future growth. It often concerns the ‘elephants in the room’: essential problems that everybody sees yet leave unspoken. Usually they lie dormant for a long time and increasingly hinder good cooperation. Whether it concerns problems within teams, conflicts with clients, customers and partners or working relationships with employees, mediation proves to be a particularly effective approach to tackle them once and for all.

Strolling elephants in the room

Dormant conflicts jeopardise future growth and development

The fact that the exact origin of the expression ‘the elephant in the living room’ is unknown does not detract from the power of the image. They exist everywhere, the unspoken ‘elephants’ that everyone is aware of but skillfully avoids. Why? Because discussing them feels uncomfortable, leads to embarrassing situations or to 'keep the sweet peace' and not (further) disturb mutual relationships. In this way, they can wander freely for years through organisations, family businesses, teams and partnerships, sometimes even in the company of other ‘elephants’. And with those years, years are lost at the same time for growth and development en to irritations at work and a bad mood at home.

Once ‘the elephants in the room’ are on the table and discussed, nearly always brings huge relief to all the parties that are involved. What is required for this? First, clearly and calmly mention the tricky subject, no more and no less, without solutions or reproaches. It is the prelude to a mediation process to examine the images and assumptions about the subject from the perspective of all concerned. When an open and secure dialogue between all parties develops and mutual relations improve, it is usually only a small step towards resolving a conflict and taming the ‘elephant’ once and for all.

Resolving conflicts reliefs and re-energises teams and organisations

What is mediation & how does it work?

Situaties en conflicten waarin mediation ingezet kan worden

What is mediation and when is it suitable to use?

De voordelen en meerwaarde van medition

The benefits and added value of mediation at a glance

De rol van de mediator en de stappen in het mediationproces

The role of the mediator and the steps in the mediation process

What is mediation & how does it work?

Zakelijke mediation kan meer dan alleen problemen oplossen

Business mediation can do more than just solve problems

Voorkom stijgende kosten door arbeidsmediation in te schakelen

Prevent rising costs through employment mediation

Team mediation transformeert haperende in krachtige teams

Team mediation transforms faltering into powerful teams

Combineren van strategie & mediation om de kracht van conflicten te benutten

Combining strategy & mediation to harness the power of conflict

Our approach of mediation

De voorbereiding van een zorgvuldig mediationproces

The preparation of a careful mediation process

Het conflict verkennen om het in een goede dialoog op te lossen

Exploring the conflict to resolve it in a good dialogue

Het mediationproces afronden met heldere afspraken

Completing the mediation process with clear agreements

About FairSights Mediation

FairSights Mediation focuses on facilitating in business conflicts during which the parties actively work together to create and realise solutions that work and are optimal and sustainable from their perspectives. This may involve conflicts within executive boards and management teams, with employees, works- and participation councils, relationships with suppliers and customers or alliances with partners. We work for companies, family businesses, governments and non-profit organisations of all shapes and sizes and across the world.

Interested? Let us know if you want to explore & discuss your options for mediation.

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