MfN Rules & Models.
For the mediations they supervise, register mediators of the Netherlands Federation of Mediators (Mediatorsfederatie Nederland, MfN) follow the rules and models that the Quality Foundations for Mediators (Stichting Kwaliteit Mediators, SKM) has drawn up as manager and implementer of the MfN register. These include the mediation rules, the explanatory note accompanying these rules, and the code of conduct for MfN register mediators. In our mediations we also use the models for mediation agreements, confidentiality clauses, and privacy statements (sometimes rewritten in simpler terms) that MfN has drawn up. In consultation, we may change certain parts to better match the specific preferences or circumstances of the parties in a mediation. All mentioned documents can be read and downloaded hereunder and on the website of the MfN (only in Dutch).
Mediation rules for MfN registered mediators
Explanatory note on the mediation rules
Code of conduct for MfN registered mediators
Model mediation agreement for MfN registered mediators
Organisations can include a mediation clause in their contracts or in the general conditions of their company. They thereby commit themselves to always start finding a solution through mediation in the event of a difference of opinion or conflict.